
When do you need to see an emergency / out-of-hours dentist?

If you suffer an accident or have an immense amount of pain, you know that hospitals have accident and emergency rooms that are open 24 hours a day. There is no limit on when a person can suffer an accident or feel a great deal of pain so knowing that there is a place to get treatment at all hours of the day is important.

If you suffer dental pain or have a problem with your mouth, you may wonder if you are able to get the same sort of treatment at short notice. There may not be the same amount of options for dental issues as there are with more standard medical conditions but if you are suffering a dental emergency, help is at hand. However, it is important to know which form of dental ailments requires urgent attention and which ones should wait until your dental practice is open and you can arrange an emergency appointment. There are some issues where people are advised to take painkillers and arrange an appointment with their dentist but there are some issues which require urgent dental treatment.

If you are suffering toothache which leads to a swelling of your mouth, there is a need to have this examined as quickly as possible. This symptom is usually an indicator that you have an infection and it is best to have this examined as soon as you possibly can. An infection will commonly affect your gum or tooth so make sure that you arrange urgent treatment if you suffer from this form of condition.

If painkillers are not working, seek support

If you suffer facial pain or toothache that is not lessening through the use of painkillers, you should consider more professional medical support. The first port of call in a dental emergency will always resolve around dampening the pain but if this is not possible, there is often a need to have it looked at as quickly as possible.

There are also a number of other dental conditions that can require urgent examination and treatment. If you are suffering a trauma of the teeth, mouth or face, particularly after suffering an injury or accident, it is best to be properly examined. This is the sort of condition that can create even further problems if left unchecked so in this situation, seeking assistance as soon as possible is of benefit.

You should also seek dental treatment if you have lost a permanent tooth. Regardless of how you have lost your tooth, seeking advice and treatment as quickly as possible is likely to be the best way to ensure you recover properly and have the chance of saving your tooth.

If you suffer bleeding that you cannot stop

If you have had a tooth taken out and are now suffering a level of bleeding that you cannot stop or control, it is best to seek dental treatment. There may be an issue with your mouth or gums that needs urgent treatment from a professional so you shouldn't hesitate to contact a professional in this instance.

You should also seek emergency dental treatment when you have suffered severe swelling of the face or mouth. This is especially an issue if the swelling refuses to go down after a period of time. By acting quickly, you will hopefully find that your medical condition can be treated effectively and resolved without any major issue. There may be some conditions and ailments that require a number of treatments to be properly resolved, but you will be advised of this at the time.

If you are suffering from toothache, it is not commonly enough to seek out the assistance of an emergency dentist. However, there will be times when your dental issue is so severe that it requires urgent attention. In this instance, it is important to know where you should turn for emergency dental support.